
Showing posts from June, 2018

Making a Choice

I'll be honest: I went back and forth about self-publishing for a long time. For most of the time, I felt like it was the cheap way out -- that if my book was actually good, it would be traditionally published, with the prestige of an actual House behind it, chock full of editors, marketing types, and an agent telling  me -- and the rest of the world -- that it was good. Oh, and in case you missed it, By Ways Unseen  is coming out on July 12 on Amazon, through CreateSpace and Kindle.

Love, Joy...Patience

Three of the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5), those are. Why am I writing about them? Well, I shot my mouth off on Twitter and said: "Oh, I have a blog! You should, you know, read what I wrote a few months ago!" I also said somewhere else that this is my website -- which will bring a lot of the same thing: people showing up expecting stuff. So, I wanted to take a moment, and reiterate what my hope is for this blog: this is a place for writers and people who are alive to find Love, Joy, and Patience. And hopefully all the others, too.