TUTu: Rain Run

Sorry I’ve been kinda quiet the last week; I’m still trying to get into a schedule where I can build the habit of writing this blog, as well as my fiction. But I’ve got a new plan in place, and we’ll see how successful it is this week.
Because that’s what bears do – or, people who are tenacious about being awesome: they try, fail, try again differently, and repeat as often as necessary.
Running, this past week, has been the easier goal to train for. We’re still waiting for the weather to break, here in Canton Ohio, so that mountain bike trails are rideable. Thursday, Erin and I ran training intervals from a program on Runkeeper that was pretty legit – we did 3.67 miles that day to prepare for our 5k.
That was the WhiteHot 5k in Kent, which we ran on Saturday. Truth be told, she kicked my butt a little bit. It is probably the hilliest 5k of the Freedom Run Series, and the last quarter mile has maybe the biggest hill. We ran great, but I was really feeling it by the top of that climb. She took off (as she usually does on either downhills or the last couple hundred yards to a run – this was both) and I kept my own pace.
But it was awesome seeing her finish ahead of me. My thing is mountain biking – hers is running. Seeing her excelling again in what she loves to do is truly awesome. Just as awesome was seeing the time-clock as I came down the hill – because we had shaved 2 whole minutes off the time of our previous 5k. She crossed the line 9 seconds ahead of me.
So the second of at least six 5k’s is in the bag, and we’re one month closer to attempting our half-marathon – my first. (And  I’m two weeks away from my 3-hour MTB race, but more on that later.)
One step at a time, one day at a time, one training session or event at a time. I’m pretty excited.

Train hard and be awesome!


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