TUTu: Committing

Miles Ran: 3.21
Miles Ridden: 28.7

Approaching the big test: 3-hour race is this Saturday. I'm getting mileage in, but very little elevation. I've got nutrition. Motivation. Trepidation.

But also, a plan.

A big part of my workout this spring that isn't really displayed here is my job: I walk a lot of miles of pipeline checking on streams, wetlands, and vegetation - wearing clunky boots and long clothes and a hardhat. And you may think "yeah, but in Ohio where it's flat." Except, one of the projects I walked yesterday was probably a 350' descent to a stream, and back up out - and not a hill you could ride up on a bike. And I figured this out last year: if it takes 200 steps to get up a hill, that's 200 one-legged squats, if the hill is steep enough you're climbing it like stairs. And this one, I did.

The rest of my plan is diet: this week I'm striving to stay on a clean diet, pushing myself on these pipeline walks and then rejuvenating with lots of protein and potassium. That'll be yesterday through Wednesday; a brief rest day on Thursday (in the office); and if the weather cooperates Friday maybe a short, easy spin on the towpath to keep my legs loose.

Then kill it on Saturday, before it kills me.

Time to get out there: the hills are calling - you can hear the alp horns on the breeze.

Train hard, commit, and be awesome!


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