The Reintroduction of the Bear

Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Year of the Bear! 2018 Bear is going to be much more focused, a bit more fun, and probably more faithfully maintained as a result. This year the object is writing, and taking specific steps toward becoming an author - I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about it!

If you didn't notice (or you weren't here before), the 2017 bear kinda ended in May; turns out I had quite a lot going on -- weddings can be like that -- and then, actually, much of the end of the year was taken up finishing the first draft of Book Two of the fantasy series I'm working on.

But finishing that book re-lit the fire for writing. I was averaging over 8,000 words a week for a bit there, and even had some 3,000+ word days.

So Book Two is currently out to a couple Alpha readers; but I won't be sitting around waiting for their comments to keep working on projects. You can find out more about all the things I'm doing this year on my Facebook page. This blog is going to be more about a couple writing prompts I have.

A couple years ago, I got a hold of The Writer's Devotional by Amy Peters. It's 365 days of things writing-related, with a repeating theme each day of the week. Sunday is Writing Prompt day, where you are given a (drumroll, please) writing prompt. Monday is Writers on Writing, sharing a quote and ensuing thoughts on what a famous writer had to say about the craft.

I thought, why not make those the topics of the blog?

So, on Sunday (Writing Prompt Sunday!) I'll be sharing whatever comes of the writing prompt - and they cover a wide array of genres, not just my genre of choice. I'll be sharing my own thoughts about the Monday quote in a blog post on Wednesday (Writers on Writing Wednesday), giving me a few days to marinate on the topic for myself.

And then, whenever the idea strikes, I may include other blog posts on other topics, or to answer any questions you all might ask.

And there you have it! You'll get to learn a little bit about me, and also see some of my writing, all while we're waiting for my fantasy books to come out. Some of it may not be pretty, but bear with me (yes, I went there).

See you around the forest!


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