The Times, They Are A-Changin'...

Can't take credit for that one; I heard it first from Mr. Dylan, then Mr. Collins. But it's still accurate.

You may have noticed I missed a WriProSun. Now that semester has started, and projects are due Sunday night, I'm feeling some pressure to change up the format of my blog schedule.

So, from this hour henceforth (bonus points if you know THAT quote), WoWWed will still be Wednesday, but I will now be posting Class Saturday - which will be from a Writing Class prompt from the Writer's Devotional - on Saturday. I may have to dig into the archives a little bit this week, as the class is to make a one-panel comic strip about getting your hair cut. I may write something funny about haircuts and barbers, but more likely I'll pull one from an earlier week.

Thanks for following along, though! See you Wednesday!


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