This Is Happening

As some of you may have heard, I'm self-publishing my fantasy novel this year - in a couple months, actually (website and all that jazz coming soon). It's been an incredible month, this past April, so let me tell you a bit about it.

First, let me tell you about the cover designer: Abigail Westbrook of ASourceOfJoy graphics is AWESOME! She's a stay-at-home mother of three (!!! Super-fantastic, right?) who does graphic designs in her spare time - book covers, newsletters, t-shirts - and she's been incredibly helpful and fun to work with.

Because, see, I'm not a cover designer. So my first idea was HORRIBLE. She put together a quick mock-up to show me how horrible it was and told me in the nicest way possible that we might need to rethink. We came up with a much simpler design, my wife actually sketched an idea of the arrangement that worked perfectly, and after seeing a few previews, I am STOKED. We're still working on a few bits and pieces, but fret not dear readers, a cover reveal is coming soon (ish...).

Then, in the past couple weeks (we're into May now; follow along) I've started reaching out to marketing agencies. I haven't signed any yet, but that will likely be happening this week, or early next. So look forward to some blog tours, reviews, interviews, shiny launch pages...all that fun stuff!

And keep in touch here, on Facebook, and on Twitter. If you thought this blog was dead, think again: it's coming up running from the grave.


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